My Story

Hello! My name is Janel and I’m very glad that you are here. The following text explains a little about who I am and my personal life journey so far. If you feel like you’d like to ask me any questions please reach out via email at or via Whatsapp +351914155064. I can also be found on Instagram @arsayienqhht.

I spent the early years of my childhood in between the states of Ohio and Kentucky, on the cusp of the American mid-west and quintessential “south”. After my parents’ divorce at a young age, my mother and older sister and I became a new family unit. We lived in Florida for a handful of years before returning to rural Kentucky until I became a teenager. At this point I moved to live with my father/stepmother and spent my high school years in northern Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C. After high school, I joined the U.S. Air Force and worked as an Intelligence Analyst for the next 7 years on active duty. After I separated from the military, I worked for private companies who hired civilians to work as contracted intelligence analysts. Throughout the course of my 13 year intelligence career, I worked strategically and operationally, at the headquarters level and also for the much smaller operational flying squadrons and  infantry battalions, working side by side with pilots, operators (special forces and conventional forces), and other intel. I deployed multiple times to various countries in the middle east and have great respect for my fellow brothers and sisters in arms who sacrificed so much to contribute to causes we believed were much bigger than us and that were for the greater good.

Janel Cuburn
Janel Cuburn

From as early as I can remember, I have been very analytical and had a deep curiosity about human behaviour; I wanted to know what makes people tick, why do they do what they do, what makes them happy or unhappy, what makes some people so strong mentally and emotionally, how do families influence each other, what motivates people and what factors shape them into the people they become. These fascinations eventually led me to obtain a degree in Psychology and to study for a Masters in Mental Health Counselling. I wanted to understand myself, and others. What I did not know at the time was that this deep curiosity was also an unconscious effort help myself, by coming to know and understand myself, I could then start to heal from my past traumas and ultimately, to help others to heal as well. 

With this knowledge, I grew as a person. Once I learned how to listen to my intuition, I felt very strongly that I needed to leave that career in intelligence and to pursue a different life. I no longer felt that what I was doing in the intelligence field was helping people. On the contrary, I saw first-hand on a daily basis the pain, violence and death that was inflicting trauma on people around me and in these countries we were supposed to be helping. I couldn’t do it anymore. Leaving my intel career started me on a path to my own spiritual awakening that is now many years in the making.

Janel Cuburn
Janel Cuburn

The path has held many twists and turns. Family traumas have unfolded to be deeply felt and healed, relationships of all kinds fell away or were healed, life altering international moves and travel ensued and I’ve had the most beautiful, mind opening, and life changing spiritual experiences that words can’t begin to describe. I’ve learned so much but I know that there is still so much learning, remembering and growth to be experienced. 

Along the way, my journey has led me to obtain a Hatha yoga teacher training (YTT 200) certificate from an ashram in Mysore, India. I obtained an Usui Level 2 Reiki (energy healing) practitioner certification in 2014 and my Level 1 & 2 QHHT (Quantum healing hypnosis technique) practitioner certifications, and I’m now offering Astrological chart readings after attending Debra Silverman’s Applied Astrology Programs, all of which are powerful healing modalities which I’m grateful to be able to share with others. My experiences with QHHT have been nothing short of phenomenal. Every session I facilitate reminds me how powerful this method of healing is and how important human connection is, to ourselves and others. I am so grateful to be a QHHT practitioner and for all the healing it continues to provide me and my clients. For all of the beautiful souls I get to meet along the way and those who become dear friends. This path has truly transformed me and my life. Not a week goes by where my mind is not blown by some new piece of knowledge learned, a personal or client experience or some new truth being integrated into my being and helping me to evolve into a more conscious human being. 

I look forward to meeting you and sharing this gift with you. 

If your interested to learn about why my business is called Arsayien QHHT you can navigate to the blog tab above or follow this link:   


I’d been curious about past life regression for quite a while, Janel let me know she was a practitioner and was coming to town so we did the session at my home. Even though we’ve known each other for many years she was incredibly professional, I felt very comfortable and she guided me through the whole process. I had an awesome experience and felt very safe the whole time, she really knew what she was doing and I’m very grateful to her for the experience and highly recommend Janel as a practitioner.
Joel Lambert
Star of the Discovery Network’s Lone Target and Predators Up Close
I had a great session with Janel! It's hard to explain what QHHT hypnosis is because it can be a very personal and individual experience. Janel was very professional and took good care of me the whole time. I could tell she’s a people person and I genuinely felt like she and I were meant to meet. Before the session, she answered all of my questions and concerns. We talked about my past and life generally. My session took me to my childhood home. I was still carrying a lot of pain and trauma from my childhood and I didn't even realize it. I was able to safely visit some of the childhood events and approach them from a different perspective. I got answers for my questions and the closure I didn't know I needed. My subconscious was able to answer me questions I had about my purpose in life and my future. The best thing about the session was the weeks that came after it. I received the healing I looked for and everything in my life started to align. I felt a strong connection with myself and where I was going. I recommend QHHT to anyone who's interested in exploring their soul journey or looking for a healing, physical, emotional, or spiritual. So grateful for Janel and the work she does! Love Teele.
I felt with Janel that I was in safe hands before, during and also after my session. It was a completely new experience for me and I felt a bit scared prior to my session. I forgot my fears quickly as we started the interview: Janel is very easy to talk to and the atmosphere was very warm and welcoming. She handled things professionally and clearly knew what she was doing. The whole session flew by smoothly. I got a glimpse to my past lives and it was amazing to find the connections to the current life I'm living. I felt a bit overwhelmed and tired after the session. Despite of the length of the session Janel didn't just rush out after the hypnosis part was done, but she took the time to give me tips on what to do to recover my energy and went through the things discussed when I was under hypnosis. I truly got the feeling she cared about me and really wanted me to benefit fully from the session! Thank you for this awesome experience
This session made me complete. I have always been into spirituality and when Janel offered me a QHHT session I was 100% in for that! To be honest, I was a bit scared prior to the session simply because I did not know what exactly to expect and even reading multiple websites about what QHHT is could not save me from butterflies in my stomach the day our session was scheduled. Janel answered the questions I was most concerned about and made me feel really calm and safe. During our interview I genuinely felt that I can trust Janel completely as her energy is very comforting, warm and nonjudgmental which allows you to open up and talk about every aspect of your life. My session was incredible, I have never experienced anything like that! I got to know that in my past life I was building space ships but most importantly I learned how to truly and deeply love someone. This whole experience happened at a perfect timing and after the session I felt so happy, complete and in more sync with myself than ever. Janel is so kind and caring, I trusted her completely with this process and I cannot recommend her enough! She is truly one of a kind and I strongly advise to have a QHHT session with her if you are trying to get to know yourself better, to heal or just experience something new in life. Forever grateful for meeting you Janel 🤍
I don't even know how to describe the feeling of how "I was"...and what "I am" today, after the session with Janel! She got me to relive a past trauma, getting that finally 40 years later I can understand and accept it! It was a beautiful intense experience because I saw further ahead too!!
I absolutely loooved my quantum healing hypnosis session with Janel and highly recommend it to everyone. She has such a calming presence and I felt extremely comfortable with her. I went in with an open mind but I was nervous at first because I didn’t know what to expect knowing I would be hypnotized. I thought I wouldn’t remember anything, but I was very much aware of what was happening. My ego did try to get in the way several times, but Janel helped me listen to my intuition and trust my higher self and I had all the answers within me and such a beautiful experience. I had so many visions of my past lives in the galaxy among many other things. The most interesting thing of all was the healing portion at the end. I did not expect to feel and see what I did when I was getting a body scan and really felt I was being healed. After my session, my third eye was opened so much more and I’ve been able to tap into my gifts more. I’m extremely grateful for this session.
QHHT is a deep journey into the soul. And for any such journey, one can only hope to have an experienced guide to help navigate the terrain. Janel is just that guide. She is caring, well-trained, and genuine. Janel is so much more than a practitioner—she embodies the very energy of Light at the core of all beings. During my session, I felt completely comfortable and open to the energy of QHHT. From the cathartic life review to the past life regressions (where my innermost impressions revealed themselves) to the luminous healing at the end of the session, my QHHT experience was both mystical and fully grounded in Truth.
My session with Janel was very profound and enlightening. It was an experience that I really enjoyed and that I feel reconnected me to a part of myself and brought some reassurance, remembrance of the love of the Self, of the interconnectedness of all things. Janel was very gentle and guided this session beautifully. It was also really beautiful to share and connect with her. The guided hypnosis part was very well conducted, from the beginning relaxation moment, that instantly connected me to my heart, and the closing of this journey, easily bringing me "back" and providing a grounding and safety sensation. I'm very happy to have come across Janel and have had this inner journey with her. I really recommend her work and approach as a practitioner and human being. Thank you Janel!
Ana Marta
I decided to give myself a birthday gift and booked a QHHT with Janel. Janel is very welcoming and soon after we met, I felt safe and relaxed. She took her time to know about me and understand my reasons for wanting to try a QHHT session, it was my first experience. I was quite skeptical about it but felt so comfortable and relaxed that I just let go. It was a mind blowing experience, much more that I could ask for. I got deep insight into many relevant areas of my life. I was able to re signify painful feelings and the fear of death simply desintegrated. It has been a month since my session and the feeling of integration, harmony, presence and peace are present. I definitely recommend Janel for this experience, such a wonderful professional! Thank you for such a wonderful gift! Decidi experimentar uma sessão de QHHT com a Janel como prenda de aniversário. Andava curiosa há alguns meses. A Janel foi muito profissional e empática desde o início, fazendo-me sentir segura e confortável. Estava um pouco cética no início mas a delicadeza, suporte e profissionalismo da Janel ajudaram a confiar e deixar-me ir. Os resultados foram bastante surpreendentes e intensos. Consegui entender vários aspectos sobre situações importantes na minha vida. Pude resignificar vários padrões de pensamentos antigos e a minha percepção da morte mudou completamente trazendo-me uma imensa paz. Passou já um mês desde a sessão e ainda sinto estar a integrar esta experiência, mas os sentimentos de presença, harmonia e paz continuam presentes. Sem dúvida recomendo a QHHT com a Janel para quem se sentir tentado a experimentar, o seu profissionalismo e delicadeza fazem desta sessão algo a não perder. Obrigada